Thursday, July 2, 2015

Moving to Middle School

I fully realize that I haven't blogged since October 2014. HOW ON EARTH do all you other bloggers balance teaching, living, AND blogging?! I am in awe of you all!

I have contemplated committing myself to one day a week to blog, but then real life pops up, and then I think about blogging, but then I say to myself, "I have nothing interesting to write about!" But I don't let my students take that attitude when it comes to writing...

So here I am. I'm going to blog more often. Hopefully. Will you hold me to it?

At any rate, here's my first blog post of 2015!

Big announcement... I'm moving to Middle School!

I've spent the entire 8 years of my career at the same elementary school. I taught 3rd grade the first two years and 5th grade for the last six. I have L-O-V-E-D teaching elementary, I loved the people I worked with, and I loved my school. So why the move?

Have you ever just felt a deep yearning in your heart for change? A desire for something different? A want for challenge?

Yup. That was me. I really found myself loving literature and teaching writing, and I felt in the deepest parts of my soul that I wanted to do that - and only that - all day long. I wouldn't have that opportunity at the elementary level, so I knew I had to move up to either middle school or high school. High school scares the bejeebers out of me, so middle school it was!

I took the GACE for middle grades and interviewed for an ELA position, and voila! Here I am - about to embark on a journey as a 7th grade ELA teacher!

Do any of you use Timehop? According to the app, I have noticed in the last couple of days that around this time in summers past, I have been working on classroom decor, new classroom ideas, cutesy organizational tools, etc. This summer is a bit different.

I don't know which classroom I'm going to be in yet. I don't know which exact classes I'm teaching. I don't really know a whole lot! For the first time ever, I'm having a hard time finding things to do this summer.

I do know that middle schoolers aren't going to want any of the cutesy-wutesy stuff of elementary school. I am, however, a firm believer in a classroom being a comfortable, beautiful place to be. I've switched my organizational tools from my sweet primary colors to more grown-up designs in red, black, gray, and white. But for other things... it's hard to plan when I haven't seen my classroom yet!

Even though I am waiting on the details, I am thrilled to become a middle school teacher. The teachers are so welcoming and fun at my new school. I am sarcastic and love to be a little crazy, so I am hopeful I will be a good fit with 7th graders.

For those of you who teach middle school, do you have any advice for me? It's a kind of surreal going from knowing the routine to embarking on something new. Any words of wisdom would be welcome!

Til next time,

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I've taught middle school (grs. 5-8) ELA, Science, and Religion for 35 yrs. and can't imagine teaching any other level. Don't be fooled by these big kids... they are still kids. Cutesy? Kind of, just on their level. They love all things sports. Puns are BIG with my middle schoolers; they are finally really getting jokes. Bright colors? Oh yeah! Think neon and you've got middle schoolers, even the boys. Mine were into neon pink this past year. Mine still liked getting stickers and they would do just about anything for a piece of candy! Middle schoolers? Think kindergartners, only MUCH taller. LOL! I hope you have a WONDERFUL year! If you are ever in the market for a collaborative project, give a holler! The group of 7th graders I have this year are FANTASTIC!



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