Well, my friends, I've decided to go with a Jazz theme for the year! In 5th grade social studies in GA, one of our units involves the Harlem Renaissance and the 1920s, so having a jazz theme fits in perfectly! Take a look around my room - I just finished it today! (Our kids start on Thursday.)
This is the first thing parents and students will see when they walk through my door. Student tables are labeled with famous Americans we'll study throughout our social studies year! |
Speaking of door, this is on the front of my classroom door! I love the positive message it sends to parents and students. |
Okay, this isn't INSIDE my room, but it's right outside the door. Our entire grade level is setting up a spot to showcase students' writing for the year! We laminated card stock and have large paperclips at the top so kids can simply slide their work above their names :) |
Students sign out to go to the restroom, library, office, etc., at this station. Also, notice the "Negativity Goes Here" sign above the trash can :) Love the message!
The dry erase board hanging on the back of the door is where students sign their names when they leave. This way I know who's out of the room during an emergency or at any moment! |
Some fun colorful character signs I found on Pinterest!
(Find the signs HERE.)
The blue buckets are for kids who brought their lunches - this is the storage spot. |
We are going to have expectations, not rules, in my class this year! Be nice. Work hard. Let the teacher teach!
I am also using the 4 stages of behavior from Discipline without Stress, Punishment, or Rewards. Those are listed on this wall as well.
In this same spot, I have crayons divided up by colors in the red drawer container (warm colors, cool colors, and neutrals - trying to incorporate some art terms there) and my pencil drawers with the chevron front. That has a place for erasers, dull pencils, and sharpened pencils.
Something new I'm trying this year is the crate with the Ketchup & Pickle folders. This is a really great idea I've adapted from the way I used to use Ketchup & Pickle in my classroom. Find out more about how it works in my post about it HERE. |
Student cubbies with African artifacts on top (from my mission trip two summers ago) |
Student work area with the computer that's hooked up to the Promethean Board... this is where they will turn in work, sign out books from the classroom library, and get simple class supplies (more staples, rubber bands, push pins, etc.).
This cabinet also stores lots of classroom supplies. |
This is just half of my class library, but I added the red curtain above the Promethean board to "jazz" the room up a little! I can open it all the way when the board is in use. |
Our ELA bulletin board complete with our stages of the writing process clip chart! Students move their clips down the chart as they progress through the steps. And I LOVE our GROUPS poster! There are several versions on TpT. |
Computer station, complete with the "What STUCK with you today?" board! Students can place their "ticket out the door" sticky notes here. There is a spot for each child to place his or her sticky note. |
I just love these character posters from Creative Teaching Press! |
I absolutely love my fabric drawer storage! All classroom supplies are easily accessible by myself or the students. I love having everything at hand. The kids know where to find whatever they need. This makes them more independent (and helpful when I need something, too!). |
This is my small group area. The drawers behind the table are for teacher storage. I keep copies for each class, supplies, papers to be filed, important papers from administration, and other items handy in these drawers. These are TEACHER ONLY DRAWERS! That's why they are behind my chair :)
Beneath the drawers are crates. I have one crate per subject with all kinds of master copies in the crates. |
This is my table - a basket for read alouds and hard-back Reading Bowl books, a fun lamp, and a cool quote by Hank Green! "Read books. Care about things. Get excited. Try not to be too down on yourself. Enjoy the ever present game of knowing." Plus, a cute picture of my son! Oh, and the hole puncher. Just because it needs a place, yo. |
I love the black on the walls with the colorful accents around the room. |
I have a folder ready with all the students' open house forms that need to be completed and returned. |
Each student gets a special treat for open house - a bag of white cheddar popcorn (yummy and healthy!) that says, "Thanks for POPPING by! Love, Mrs. Thompson" |
The room... with my fancy rolling podium! I love that! |
So that's a quick tour of my room. Have you set your classroom up yet? Posted pictures to your blog? Leave a link in the comments below! I love looking at room decor!