Well, starting a TPT store, like I said, is a huge leap. We have had to redo some things to give out the best product we can possibly sell, but we are learning. It's scary to put yourself (and your ideas) out there for the world to judge, but we are trying and doing our best! We look forward to growing in this new chapter of our nerdy teaching lives.
But this post isn't really about our store - it's about two amazing stores I shop from all the time! If you teach upper elementary grades or even middle school, you HAVE to check out these two sellers!
The first seller I love is Rachel Lynette. OHMYGOODNESS! I feel like I've bought almost everything in her store! Her task cards are AMAZING! We love to play them in the game she calls "SCOOT." Here's how it's played.
You set a card out at every seat (on average, each purchase has about 24 cards). The students have a designated amount of time to work on the card (the last one we did, students had 3 minutes at each card). Once the timer went off, I shouted "Scoot!" and the students all scooted over one seat to the right. They all got to do all of the cards, and it kept them busy and moving. It was great for a Friday afternoon review of some literacy skills we've been working on. It's also great for students with short attention spans!
Today, I set some cards out (we used the Figurative Language set) for a poetry rotation. Students had 25 minutes in each station. So, during this 25 minute station (rotation?), each student could choose from any of the cards to complete, but they had to complete at least 5. They loved it! These cards are a great change of pace. I recommend them highly! Here's a link to her store: Rachel Lynette One of my favorite things about her store is that all of her products are so reasonably priced! Most are between $2 and $3.75, and a lot of them are FREE! (Extra love for that!) She also has resources for younger elementary grades if you teach those littler kiddos.
The other seller I love is Ms. Runde from Runde's Room. She has two must-have items, in my opinion - the Literary Elements Resource Binder and the Reading Comprehension Strategy Resource Binder. Oh heavens! I use both of these fantastic resources to plan my small group reading, centers, conversation activities, as well as formative and summative assessments. The posters she includes are also amazing to have handy! You need to download the previews for these IMMEDIATELY. If you love them, they are worth the $9.99 each! These resources will be used again and again in your classroom. I suggest you print these bad boys out and stuff 'em in a binder. Keep them handy, and maybe you should put them in page protectors. I have a feeling these are going to get used A LOT!
Here is the link to her store, and also a link for the Literary Elements binder and the Reading Comprehension binder (so you can download those previews)!
*If you want some of our freebies or to check out the things we have for sale, here's a link to our Nerdy Store. Please remember that we are new at this, so we'll say this: we'd love to have suggestions, but please be kind! :)